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Innoculated with Gratitude

This was written the day I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. As I sat for the required 15 minutes after the shot, was meditating a bit. In […]

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Lily wags her tail

Did we tell you that we have a new member of the family? It’s been four weeks since Sneha and Raga invited a foster dog into our home.  Her official […]

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Heart of Service in Uncertain Times

Audrey from ServiceSpace hosted a call of more than 80 amazing people from around the world on what does a Heart of Service do in Uncertain Times? These are some informal notes from this heartfelt sharing space. Participants include physicians treating COVID-19 patients, economists, disaster resiliency experts and spiritual wisdom elders.

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Gratitude in COVID times

Back in the Bay Area, grateful that family and friends are healthy. Such an inflection point for the human family. Our thoughts and prayers are with the worldwide caregivers, first responders, policy makers, leaders, followers, those that plan and those that react.

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The boy that could sew

We share the story of a brilliant boy that had to stop his studies because his parents were poor. This is the story of the transformation of that boy’s story from a poor tailor’s son to the founder of an NGO nonprofit that pays it forward to thousands of children.

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‘Where everybody knows your name…”

There was this old TV show called Cheers, whose premise was that people loved to hang out at a place where everyone knew you by name and cared about you. […]

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An Apple a Day

From Vizag, we flew into Delhi. [More on the relaxation and the people that we met in Vizag and learnings in Cheepurupalli, in a few days]. Traveling from the airport […]